Hungary’s democracy fell. What happens to women, LGBTQ, Roma, Jewish people, and other ethnic & religious minorities?

“Hungary is no longer a democracy” and the extreme right-wing Neo-Nazi Jobbik Party has more power than ever. The E.U. was formed in part to prevent these kinds of Fascist paramilitia uprisings, and yet, here we are. Benjamin Abtan writes in The New Statesman:

“The attack was clear and continuous: crippling restriction of the freedom of the press, political direction of the Central Bank, inclusion in the Constitution of Christian religious references and of the ‘social utility’ of individuals as a necessary condition for the enforcement of social rights, deletion of the word ‘Republic”‘in the same Constitution to define the country’s political system, condemnation of homosexuality, criminalisation of the homeless, attacks against women’s rights, impunity afforded to perpetrators of racist murders, the strengthening of a virulent anti-Semitism . . .

Only a few days ago, prime minister Viktor Orban officially decorated three extreme right-wing leading figures: journalist Ferenc Szaniszlo, known for his diatribes against the Jews and the Roma people, who he compares to “monkeys”; anti-Semitic archaeologist Kornel Bakav, who blames the Jews for having organized the slave trade in the Middle-Age; finally, “artist” Petras Janos, who proudly claims his proximity to the Jobbik and its paramilitary militia, responsible for several racist murders of Romani people and heiress of the pro-Nazi Arrow Cross Party, that organised the extermination of Jews and Gypsies during the Second World War.” 

For the rest of the article, click here

Elle Hungary‘s recent article praising Dora Duro, a Neo-Nazi party member who is anti-Semitic and anti-Rom, is a chilling reminder of how easily great tragedy begins when embraced by the media. We cannot allow history to repeat itself.

Filmmaker Laszlo Nemes writes a letter addressing the problematic article:

“Dear Sir/Madam,

This is to express my shock and condemnation regarding the cover story of Elle‘s Hungarian Edition featuring Hungarian Neonazi MP Ms. Dora Duro. The party “Jobbik” of which Ms. Duro is a member with its anti-democratic, antisemitic and anti Roma tendencies and its affiliation with the paramilitary organization called Magyar Garda (the new Hungarian SS) is a direct threat to Hungarian democracy and the safety of Hungarian Jews and the Roma population of the country.

By publishing the above mentioned story Elle is getting directly and actively involved in whitewashing a political organization whose values are against our most basic human values.

I am strongly urging you to investigate the circumstances under this story could have happened and to apologize to the Hungarian public. I am also urging you to take further action that something like this should never happen in the future.

Best regards,

Laszlo Nemes
film director”

Now, the most important thing we can do is to spread awareness. Please share Nemes’s letter and articles about the issues. Write and share letters to the media and government officials in the U.S., Hungary, and the E.U. calling for action to protect citizens targeted by the Jobbik Party. We need to let the international community know what is happening and that we will not stand for it. When you stand up for human rights, you’re a #RealGypsyWarrior.


Opre Roma! Roma, rise up.
Image source:

Suivant Balint, je viens d’envoyer ca a Lagardere qui publie ELLE. N’hésitez pas a me suivre

“Madame, Monsieur,

Résidant en Hongrie, j’apprends avec consternation que l’édition hongroise du Magazine ELLE, numéro d’avril 2014, a choisi de consacrer un article d’interview a la députée du parti néo-nazi hongrois “Jobbik”, Dora Duro.

Le parti Jobbik dont Mme Duro est porte-parole est un parti extrémiste avec des positions violemment anti-démocratiques et haineuses, antisémites, négationnistes et anti-roms. Jobbik est affilié á une section militaire dont les membres défilent en uniforme dans tout le pays: la Garde hongroise, une force d’intimidation. La Garde hongroise est la branche armée, milice paramilitaire, de Jobbik. C’est sans exagération une force de déstabilisation du pays, une menace pour les minorités Tziganes et Juives, et rappelle de bien sombres souvenirs.

Mme Duro méritait, selon ELLE Hongrie, de figurer parmi les femmes politiques a admirer, bien que le magazine se défende de tout positionnement politique – a deux semaines des élections législatives hongroises! Le portrait d’une femme exemplaire est d’autant plus scandaleux que sa vie privée ici dévoilée est partagée avec l’un des fondateurs de Jobbik, le sinistre néo-nazi en cravate Elod Novak, négationniste notoire, activiste anti-européen avec des liens avec de nombreux groupuscules de l’ultra droite hongrois et international, et organisateur du site néo nazi, racialiste, suprématiste et négationniste.

Je voudrais vous rappeler que dans un tel cas, votre métier suppose de grandes responsabilités publiques dont vous ne pouvez moralement vous défaire.

Faire l’hagiographie de personnes qui ne respectent pas la moindre valeur de la dignité et de la personne humaines est une grave erreur et je vous appelle á tirer les conséquences de ce regrettable épisode.


Laszlo Nemes